What a weeeeek.
First off, I don't have my "mom" anymore. Hermana Lawrence got transferred. :( We went to transfers on Tuesday morning, and she is now in a trio in Louisville (Fairdale) on a bike. LOL. I miss her to death. :( It's hard not having her around Corydon....just not the same!My new companion is Hermana Wilkinson. She's from Colorado, and she's only been out six weeks longer than I have. She's really nice. :) She's 19. Our Spanish is about the same.... I can speak it fine now--not perfectly--it's just hard because I don't get 100% of what people are saying to me, and I can't turn to her and be like, "What'd they say?" because she got about as much as I did. Meh. It's going to be a growing experience, that's for sure.
This last week has been really exhausting. Now that we don't have Josue to teach, we really have to focus on finding new investigators, which is hard here in Corydon because Hispanics don't just walk the streets around here. All the Hispanics here know us pretty much.... Just have to find the ones who want to be taught. Pray for us!
It's also been exhausting because I feel like senior comp right now. I have to teach my new companion all about Corydon and the people here. It's hard work. I'm trying to make sure she gets it all just in case I get transferred next time and she has to take it over. So much has happened here in the last 5 months though. I hope I can fill her in on everything! She's also big on "HSI" (in Spanish, it stands for Speak Your Language). Hermana Lawrence and I didn't do a whole lot of HSI outside of lessons, like when we were in the apartment or out and about, and I feel like my Spanish is about where Hermana Wilkinson's is, if not farther along. I dunno. Guess I need to gain a testimony of HSI. She's an awesome person. Very positive, and she wants to work. It's just been an adjustment having to switch from Hermana Lawrence who was so bubbly and happy and laughing all the time, where Hermana Wilkinson is still friendly, just a little more reserved. I'm just realizing now how much I've picked up from Hermana Lawrence haha. I have all her little -isms. I get to see her this Sunday at a mission fireside! Woo!
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