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Monday, March 24, 2014

What to Do in Case of a Baptism

So...JOSUE'S GETTING BAPTIZED!!! When I emailed last week, it was still up in the air as to whether or not he'd be ready. He's been saying a lot how he wants to feel it before he makes a decision, but after an eventful, spiritually-exhausting week, he told us Friday night, "I'm getting baptized on the 29th." IT'S OFFICIAL!!! A BAPTISM!! We're SO SO excited!!

We've been pretty busy planning it all. I'm so excited for him. For the longest time he's been saying, "If not the 29th, then for sure in April." But our R.S. president, Jessica, talked to him in a lesson this week and said, "If you're going to do it, why wait?" (amongst other things.) He was thinking about it for a bit, and finally he decided he was going for it. He's been inviting everyone to his baptism, even all his old drinking buddies. We thought it'd be like pulling teeth to get him to tell anyone he was getting baptized, but he actually started telling people he was getting baptized before we ever decided on the 29th. What a goober!
Planning the baptism hasn't been too difficult. We announced it in Church, and now everyone and their dogs are bringing food, drinks, helping out, doing this and that... We don't really have to do much! Our members rock! It's nice being in a branch where everyone is related. One big happy, helpful family! :) The branch is really excited. It shocked everyone that Josue is getting baptized, but they are sure pumped now. I love it :) Keep praying that everything goes accordingly! Everything is planned, we just have to get him to the font, which shouldn't be too hard.

It's amazing to see the change in Josue. Two months ago he cringed at the word "Bautismo" (Baptism). He still pretends not to like the word, but he's secretly excited. He's telling all his friends now. He even told his brother before he told us! It shocked his brother, but he's fine with it. We're hoping his brother is next in line -- his wife is a member. We'll see! I l just love seeing the change the gospel brings to people's lives. It's amazing! I can't wait to send out the baptism pictures next Monday :)
Btw. Transfer calls are on Saturday. We find out if one of us is going to a different area. I have a feeling Hermana Lawrence will get transferred. I'll letcha know on Monday! The worst thing is, we'll get the call right before or right after the baptism.... so bittersweet! 

Aside from planning the baptism, we've had a pretty busy week. We had zone meeting on Thursday in New Albany. A lot of the training was on prayer. Then today we had a district pday. We all went to Marengo Cave together and did a couple trails. It was fun! We have a great district. While we were waiting between tours, all the elders did this thing called "The Crawl" which is a box maze that simulates caving. It was hilarious! There were peepholes all throughout the box and you could see them popping their heads out and crawling everywhere. I couldn't have done it -- too claustrophobic! haha

A few things that made me laugh/smile this week:
1. On Wednesday we were having pizza with Jessica, our R.S. pres, and I saw through the window that someone had pulled up to Josue's house across the street. I told Hermana Lawrence, "Look who it is!" And Hermana Lawrence got up, saw who it was, freaked out and then straight up smacked her face into the window! It was a hard smack too! Jessica and I were on the floor laughing for so long. I'm still laughing about it!
2. We had a lesson with our Cuban, William, on Saturday. We watched the shorter video about the Restoration. When it was over, I asked William what he thought or what he was feeling, and he said, "I don't know if it was the Spirit, but at one part in the movie -- I don't know why, but I started getting tears in my eyes." It was so precious!
3. When we were coming home from emailing last Monday, we were driving to the store, just singing la la la, then out of nowhere a dead cat was right in the middle of the road and we ran right over it. We were just screeeeeaming for like 5 minutes, horrified.... ever since then we've seen at least 3 more dead cats. WHAT IS WITH CATS AND ME?! They follow me everywhere -- dead or alive! AH!
But yeah! That's been my week! I'm exhausted from walking around those caves.... I think that means I need to exercise more because we really didn't do anything but walk for two miles. Woof.
I hope everyone is doing well! I love hearing from yall! I will have lots to share next Monday :) Love you!!!
Hermana Porter

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