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Monday, April 6, 2015

Week 6 yall!

Alright, my's Week 6...of my mission. I bet yall are just happy 'bout that, aren't ya? :P It still doesn't feel real!!

I went to Lexington on Wednesday. I'm tellin' ya, Lexington is the place to be! I loved it! We talked to 20 random people throughout the day and shared #BecauseHeLives with everyone! It was great!! I was surprised at how many people didn't know what the true meaning of Easter was! But it was a blessing to get to share it with them. If you haven't watched the video, do it!

Last Monday was quite the...adventure, for me. I learned a huge lesson on patience when things don't go my way, and I've been much happier since. :) It's been a good week!

PLUS! We got to end it with GENERAL CONFERENCE!

Ok, I have to say, before Conference, I made a list of questions that I had answers to. I mainly asked the question, "How can I do life as a Return Missionary successfully?" And you know what most of the talks seemed to be about?


UGH! Not yet! Not happening! But aside from that, Conference was good! I received a lot of revelation about other things. I really liked Elder Pearson's talk. It was what I needed to hear. I can't wait to review the notes I took. Luckily our car has a USB port, so I just put all the Conference talks on my jump drive so we can listen to them all this week. :D

We really are so privileged to live in a time where there are living prophets and apostles to lead and guide us. I know they are called of God. I can't deny it! Our Savior loves us so much that He calls apostles and prophets to lead and guide us here. How grateful I am for their counsel! I am so grateful that the Spirit taught me what I needed to know specifically for my life.

Alright my friends, next week will be my big sob-email. For now, I'm going to enjoy my final week of declaring the Gospel to EVERYONE!!!!!!!! It's not going to stop after my mission, but I'm going to give it my all while I'm still doing it full-time. LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!

Hermana Porter

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