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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

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Hola todos!
Well well well. It snowed. AGAIN. It always happens on a Sunday, meaning the library closes on Monday, meaning we can't email on pday. Church got cancelled here in Corydon because a huge storm was supposedly rolling in. It didn't start until Sunday afternoon though. It was all hail and freezing rain. We would go into an appointment, come out an hour later and our car would have a nice thick layer of ice on it. We'd scrape it off, go to the next appointment and do it all over again. Fun times :) Then we got 3-4 inches of snow overnight.
I learned a lot this week. We went on exchanges again on Wednesday. This time Hermana Marsden came here with me while Hermana Lawrence went to Shelbyville. So I was in charge of my area for the first time. I was really nervous at first. I thought, "What if I can't understand so-and-so?" "What if I can't do this or that right?" "What if I don't have as good of a relationship with my members and investigators as Hermana Lawrence does?" But it was actually a really good day. I survived AND I was able to understand and talk to everyone we had appointments with that day! It was good for me to see that I can survive without my trainer and that I'll be ready to take over this area if my trainer does leave next transfer.

My trainer is HILARIOUS. We have SO much fun together! I hate thinking about leaving her or her leaving me. It's inevitable, but we are just having a blast out here right now! Everyone says that we are just what Corydon needed. Last night we had a cool experience: We haven't been able to get a hold of our Branch Mission Leader all week, and it was starting to worry us because he NEVER ignores us. We try to contact him daily and see him once a week for coordination, but for some reason he wasn't answering our calls or the door or anything. But finally he called us Sunday and invited us over to see him. So we went over last night and had a nice talk about the Restoration, and we had a lot of laughs and brought the Spirit into his house. In his prayer he thanked Heavenly Father for sending us here to Corydon and for us "having a way of cheering everyone up." I loved it :)
Sometimes I get discouraged and think that I'm not doing everything the Lord is asking me to do. But I realized this week that as long as I'm doing what's in front of me as best as I can, then I'm doing the Lord's work. It doesn't have to be something huge or grand. It can be something as small as going over to our Branch Mission Leader's house and cheering him up. As long as we're following the Spirit, we're doing what the Lord's asking us to do.
Josue is doing ok. He's technically not progressing anymore, and we had to push his bap date back because he drank. -.- We're doing what we can to get him on the right track, but people have their agency and can choose to do whatever they want to do. Just pray for him please!
Since Church got cancelled on Sunday, we went down to our District Leader's ward in Brandenburg, KY (right across the river from Indiana). That was weird, being in an English-speaking ward again. I've missed it! I love my branch and my Spanish-speaking people, but it was nice to have something familiar again. :) 
Also, our kitchen sink broke this weekend, and our apartment maintenance changed their number.... so we're stuck doing our dishes in the bathtub. We're just grateful we're not sleeping in hammocks or waking up to spiders on our faces. :)
Aside from that, all is well! Trying to get better every day. I can't believe I'm almost to my 5 month mark.... didn't I just leave the CCM?! It's insane how fast the time flies! I have so much to learn! Gotta get to steppin!
Love you all!
Hermana Porter

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